If I had to chose only one piece of art, this would be some of Pierre Auguste Renoir ,because I really love realist paintings, that give an impression of softness depth and movement like “Muchachas en el piano“ . But definitely I have to pick one of my mother.
In my family all are good artist in general , especially in the painting and before my birth my mom made using only témpera her artistic creation where shows the mountain, the lake , and a cute llama painted underneath with a fine paint brush. It doesn't have a name and it has been in her room from the day of its creation but i would hang it in the living room to contemplate it while I am eating . I love this because have many details and also the colors are lights ,what inspire me peace and harmony , besides, that seems more valuable to me and for that reason I picked it, is that simply it was make on block paper using and mixing tempera. I can say this work turned cheap to mi mom.I don't now how many time she delayed but she spended in a good way her time and aplied an excellent technique. Personally I love works without fiction, that represent the reality,and shows landscapes or portraits.
Wow, your mom is a really good pinter, I fall in love with the colors of the painting!