Today will talk about the beach where I vacationed every summer when I was little with my uncles, We always went to the same but I loved to go so it doesn't matter. It is located in the Valparaiso region south of El Quisco,and is called Punta de Tralca. Tralca is a word in mapudungun that means thunder. It has been baptized with that name because it has a breakwater where a range of water is formed, and that's one of the things that I like.On that beach I have my best memories, once we count up to three with my cousin and just at that moment spent two falling stars at the same time, it was surprising. Also with a bike of two people accidentally collided a red truck. Water is exquisite, to stay all day inside, because it's clean and resembles a swimming pool, almost there are no waves so you can swim with ease, also the sand is clean with a light color.Called my attention that in the rockery a lot of people have chosen to die, so there to climb the rocks we must be careful. Anyway it is an ideal place to spend a nice day with family, playing paddles, walking, and also has many Restaurants and cabins near to the beach.It isn't as well known apparently. So I recommend it!
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