Tuesday 23 August 2016

Long Weekend of August 13

That long weekend was terrible and amazing at the same time :(
These days I had been thinking in all tests that today we havent yet done, but on the other hand I could see my grandmother, she went to my house to stay for a long time, and also my cousin who I didnt see two moths ago, visited me with her parents so I was the happiest :)! Definitely the best day was the Monday. On friday of that same week was my birthday and Fantasilandia have promotion that consists in get a free ticket on your birthday week, so I took the opportunity and went with my boyfriend.
There wasn't many people,therefore I could ride all the roller coasters and some games more than twice, and see "The Monga" (is very boring butthe effect so badly done made me laugh)
. Finally at the exit, we went to O´higgins park where all families was in the grass eating and playing, The environment was beautiful and the wind perfect to raise volantines. Spring is come !! Well... the saddest part: Monday night. I had to finish an epistemology homework, a subject difficult to me because in the frist test I get a 1 due to send it later u.u . Wherever I imagine the end isn't yet .

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